Thursday, January 31, 2008
Need help with editing? Check out Faith's new series.
Coming to Wild Child Tuesday, February 5th!!!
This is book II of a series that addresses most of what there is to know about writing a tight, exciting story. In Laymen's terms and with a touch of irreverent humor, Ms Bicknell-Brown discusses the writer's muse, unique plots, avoiding stereotypes, character development, the abused comma, excessive adverbs and adjectives, atmosphere, setting, info dumps, the writer's ego, and much more.
Watch for book III which will involve more punctuation tips, sentence structure, character point of view, knowing your genres, etc.
Also, be sure to check out book I which is currently available in the How-To Section at Wild Child
Posted by Miranda Heart ::
7:29 PM ::
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
What I've been reading
Well since I haven't been here, and I haven't been working I must be doing something. Right?
Well I have. I've gotten caught up on some educational reading and maybe just a little fun reading. I just read two books for BDSM REviews that still need to be posted but at least they're read.
I seem to be on this vegetarian kick so my husband was sweet enough to buy me a vegetarian cookbook, where I can whip up recipes in 15 minutes or less. WE've tried a few and they're pretty good even if they don't seem like they would be at first. If you have a little more time on your hands I highly recommend A Year In A Vegetarian Kitchen by: Jack Bishop, he's an amazing cook. My daughter will even eat some of the recipes... as long as there are no beans or mashed potatoes. LOL I feel better and on the few ocassions that I do eat meat lately I feel bloated and sick. I"ve also been reading a parenting book, it's called P.E.T Parenting Effectiveness Training. It's really helping me understand my little one better and I'm hoping it'll cut down on the yelling in the house.
Last night I had the worst migraine of my life. I've had them off and on for years, but then they went away when I quit smoking and now I they are back again. It was so bad I couldn't drive. Poor hubby was worried sick, but he was a real trooper to stay with me until I could get into bed. He got my medicine, drove me home and spoke quietly. I hadn't cried like that since I gave birth to my daughter, but even she was concerned last night. I'm feeling a bit better with each passing hour this morning and I know I have to quit smoking or I'll suffer my hormone migrains forever. Which is fine, almost six months of not smoking and I blew it. I need some changes in life and that's one of them.
Anyway, job is going really well. Even if in the last few weeks I"ve been feelign way too tired to do anything. I know my energy level will come back up and I'll be able to be on the same trek I was before here. My bosses are fantastic, I seriously couldn't ask for a better couple to work for. We're workign on some new promotional tools right now and I'll be getting to work on that soon enough.
I, however, won't be around for my usual Saturday nights. MIL took little bit last night, which it turned out I really needed. So it'll be her and I tonight. HOpefully I'll get a few minutes to catch up with some friends before it's time for bed.
I hope everyone is doing well. Happy reading and writing!
Posted by Miranda Heart ::
8:43 AM ::
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
It's been a while
While I'm actually waiting on a friend to call, I'm going to post something so everyone doesn't think the world sucked me up whole. It was a pretty rough 2007 and come the end of December I began to sift through and take what I needed from that year and learn from it. I threw out a lot of trash so to speak. Friends I thought were friends but weren't really are now gone. Friends I didn't think were true friends turned out to be all I had left. Starting a job is slowly teaching me to have better time managment with my family. Losing my temper is proving to go no where so I'm looking for other ways to settle differences. I'm slowly but surely letting go of my much harbored control and understand that there are things in life that just have to be left to God. I've managed to start 2008 with some semblence of peace.
Giving up smoking didn't pan out so I'm back to smoking. But, again though, I intend to beat it if it's the last (and it might very well be) thing I do. Sales are going pretty well for the two anthologies that I participated in. I know you might think I'm biased but, I feel like we had a very strong group of authors writing for these books. At some point I'll ask someone to compile all the reviews so I can post them on my websites.
BDSM REviews, thanks to Elise is going very well. We have a steady stream of books flowing in and I've recently read two of them, that will hopefully be posted by me soon. My MIL is back in town so I'm actually having regular nights off now instead of gathering what few minutes I can as I go along. I don't think I'd make it if it wasn't for her being around.
Hubby and I could be doing better but we're slowly working on this respectful communicating thing.
And I"ve come to terms with the fact that I abhor football. There are few words in the english dictionary that cause me a fit of anger more so than that one. I've never seen anything so lame as a stupid ball come between families more than that one. I've tried every which way I can think of to come to terms with this sport. But now I just have to accept the fact that I hate it, I'll always hate it and it's ok to hate something like this. What's not ok is the fact that I'm going to be put on bloodpressure medicine if I keep getting angry every single time I hear the word.
THere's nothing going on on the writing front and that's ok. Friend called so I have to go.
Posted by Miranda Heart ::
7:37 PM ::
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