All that is writing is not gold
Friday, July 03, 2009
Hubby is out working the tour which leaves me home with the kiddos. Things are going pretty well around here. I realize I'm much stronger than I'm given credit for. More than anything tonight I have a heart breaking situation that is weighing heavily on me. I've always carried this idea that I need to save the world. People, animal, plants... doesn't matter I can fix them all. It's the reason my number one bad habit is giving unsolicited advice. I just want to see every situation work out for the best for all parties involved.
A neighbor of mine is having a hard time with one of her children. Well he isn't actually one of her kids, he's a grandchild and she's been granted custody over two of ther daughter's children. She had the others but they are grown and making their own mistakes. The little girl despite her issues is very sweet and gentle. She plays pretty well with Maia and although we've had to work on manners and respect I don't think she's ever intentionally been rude to anyone.
The boy on the other hand was a bit older before he was taken out of the home he lived in. I know many things happened to him that should never happen to anyone, let alone someone so young. He struggles with anger as so many abused children have. Grandma struggles with how is the best way to handle the situation and more often than not chooses the wrong path. Now tonight the police were called out because of something he did, but it's leading them to make a decision about rather to keep the children in this home or not.
I'm torn on what I believe should happen. On the one hand both children coudl have a chance in a more appropriate home, but the boy unfortunatly risks being bounced from home to home. On the other hand all three have a chance at being rehabilitated if they so choose. The boy has a chance of finding stability and love in an environment he might have never known could exist. Either way it's not my decision to make. Tonight I'm sending my prayers that whatever decision is made I hope everyone will be better for it. I hate to see families torn apart. I know what it's like to be the one that just doesn't seem to make the cut. I've been where this little boy is today and I know what roads he has the choice to make but more often than not the wrong road is chosen. I know both of them can offer eachother much more than what they are giving out. It's so hard to break that cycle sometimes.
If anyone is out there and reads this tonight or even in the future, please pray for this family. Maybe if enough prayers are sent up the right choices will be made. I'm goign to talk to my church tomorrow. As big as they are, there has to be some good thoughts heading in this family's direction.
Peace and love tonight. Sleep well.
Posted by Miranda Heart ::
10:02 PM ::
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